
Filling station Tank Manager (Fuel tank monitoring system)

The Tank Manager is the most versatile automatic tank gauge  management system on the market today.  It is a permanently installed inventory system for underground and above ground storage tanks. The ATG technology exceeds all EPA standards as verified by third parties. The system consists of an electronic console, in-tank probes for liquid level sensors.

The system provides graphic display of the data for current status, alarms, inventory control on your PC monitor.

The information is displayed in easy-to-read graphic and text formats.  The console contains all of the electronics for tank probes. All data and the time of day clock are battery backed in case of power failure. Unlimited accessibility:  network, internet, serial, and modems are all supported by the console.  Access to and from the other equipment at your site (POS, back office, site controller, etc.). The combination of tank testing, and inventory monitoring completes the loop for total site data collection and analysis.